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At the moment SWEET GREETS and LINKS are still under construction. I've been working fast and furious and these pages are only a few days away.
I want to thank you all for continuing to visit and be patient with me as I continually upload graphics and fine tune the design of my site.
With your support I hope to make this a thriving graphics resource for the internet community.
If things go well and my site continues to grow and my visitor count continues to grow I hope to move SWEET COMFORT GRAPHICS to its own domain and php formatted site design.

If you are of a genorous nature and would like to see that happen sooner rather than later then please donate whatever amount you feel you can. Your donations will be GREATLY appreciated and for every one that donates I will make a personalized graphic in appreciation for your gift. Just click on the contact link above send me the information you you would like on your graphic and where to send it to.

If you have any suggestions for card categories or graphics you would like to see added to my site, just drop me an email.

tattoed angel blinkie

giftie from KC

giftie from KC